#iTHiNKLabs 2024: Episode 326

Kamala Harris, Swift/C++, Jobs, Gaza, Security, JD Vance, Ukraine, Project 2025, China, Trump, Fake Food, Doomscrolling, Business, Gen Z

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Projecting Weakness Ultimately Didn't Help Joe Biden ⬆ While Autocracy Crept In ▼ VP Harris’ Likely VP Pick✔

JD Vance The Opportunist ▼ Ex-Boss David Frum On Vance's Moral Flexibility +Trump's Unity Msg Unpacked✔

From Ukraine To Gaza, What Xi's China Means By “Peace” ▼ On Judge Cannon's Trump Case Dismissal✔

Get Microsoft's Recovery Tool To Fix CrowdStrike Update/Global Windows Meltdown ▼ How China Dodged It✔

Where JD Vance & Trump'd Take America ▼ 20 Most Common Things That Come Up During Reference Checks✔

Doomscrolling Fuels Existential Crisis & Secondary PTSD ▼ How To Make Gen Z Stop Scrolling & Be Focused✔

NB: Euphoric Markets Are Ignoring Growing Political Risks ▼ As China & Russia Break World Into Pieces✔

Swift Likely To Replace C++ As Choice Programming Language ▼ Xi vs. China’s Entrepreneurs: Insight✔

From Plastic Rice To Synthetic Beef, Eggs & Seafood, Mind Your Food In China ▼ ICYMI Other Fake Food PSAs✔

Analysis: What To Expect ▼ Professor Charles Kupchan: ‘No Question’ Kamala Harris Could Beat Trump✔

2024 Survival Planner (1): Pills+ ▼ Vaccination Proof Guide+ ▼ Fighting COVID Stress+ ▼ Face Mask Guide✔

Put simply—like Salman Rushdie's attack—#iTHiNKLabs tells you HOW the world works, keeping you prepared.

Before COVID-19 Era Digital Distraction & Short-Term Pragmatism, iTHiNKLabs was the domain of the aware.

Lack of awareness and self-awareness is the enemy of readiness. The resulting ineptitude leads to disaster.

Individuals, leaders, and nations become losers by majoring in minor things, while Chinese maintain clarity.

Such proactiveness, fierce strategic competitiveness, opportunism; fleeing regimes like China's EARLY, to

avoid entrapment in a Biden-Afghanistan-like mess, or “doomed” Ukrainian Flight PS752 is our domain.

Building a “strong body of knowledge” is your best defense against costly mistakes in all endeavors.

Be they murdered lottery winners, #MowzeyRadio, or duped African expats returning home broke,

#iTHiNKLabs puts useful, prescient & strategic content, often skipped as irrelevant, till disaster

strikes at your fingertips. Your loved ones may be shot, your business hacked or like Africans

wandering straight into Libyan & Russian slavery, people suffer for not connecting the dots.

Although they often think they are informed, many people live in a filter bubble. And then

when disaster strikes them personally, their loved ones, business or even their country,

they wonder how come they weren't warned. #iTHiNKLabs readers are much smarter

as they mitigate risk, bolster decision-making; avoid bad decisions, going from one

good decision/move to another, more prepared than the competition. To access

locked articles, use Iridium. For optimal experience, Brave browser or Firefox

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the listed resource here#iTHiNKLabs is a strategic advisory published on

weekends. The more multidimensional or strategic one's experience and

mindset, the more useful one finds an episode. Consulting takes place

behind the scenes. Part of the wider #iTHiNKLabs Research Project

covering the waterfront, from business & startups, to risk, security,

tech, science, career/relationship success, geopolitics, health &

more, curated high quality content or data help strategists to

fill gaps in strategic acumen to enlighten the reader. In the

age of the brain hack, indulging doesn't make one wired.

People blame politicians/firms when upon closer look,

in fact, their social media, tech, nonfiction or fiction,

local, Trump or faux news fixation & readership is

dangerously rendering them ignorant. Often, 1-

dimensional; hence devoid of clarity in major

decision-making. #iTHiNKLabs cuts noise

to serve high quality, fact-based content

from a pragmatist and strategist that

forewarns, prepares and helps one

mitigate risks, avoid fatalities &

enhance one's quality of life—

or business while elevating

leadership  acumen. For


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