11 Lessons The Bill Cosby Case Teaches Smart Black Men
▼The Battle for Dignity (Series)▼MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS | 2018 EDITION | VOLUME 41
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I've already addressed the Bill Cosby rape case here, as well as in Part 1 and 2 of How To Burst Your Filter Bubble.
However you feel about his conviction being overturned, this article — originally published in 2018 — is for Black men smart enough to seek advice, and importantly, act on it. Parents too, who are adept at, or students of, the art of focusing on what matters, and ditching pettiness and toxic, opinionated, celebrity gossip.
As a Black man from a family always late to seek or act on good advice, I can't stress the latter enough.
Take good advice, and you'll escape Loserville. Basically, the wrong path, in any context. Unavoidable consequences and all.
Don't, and you'll forget that a woman's dignity is just as non-negotiable as your own. And with that, never get entangled, entrapped and/or, as rapper Meek Mill did, on the wrong side of America's notoriously unjust criminal justice system for years.
For my preferred version of the feature quote above (better read from Proverbs 4:5-9), simply click/tap the image.
Critically, suffice it to say, women must always be respected.
Further, real men never treat ANY human being as a thing or exploit women.
What I know for sure, as a man who has been drug and alcohol-free all his life; without any need to chase women is that: Consensus or consent through integrity, earned trust, and natural attraction makes a man more secure than domination through manipulation or illicit substances. This after all, is why Authenticity Liberates, Yet Duplicity Breeds Insecurity. (all images hyperlinked as always)I am not worried about Bill Cosby. Or rich people with expensive lawyers. But as a lawyer who isn't naïve, I have seen wicked, sociopathic people falsely accuse others and seemingly get away with it.
To those who'd say:
Well this isn't about race, I say:
Yeah, sure. Live your reality; I'll live mine, as clear-headed Black man.
This is for the teachable and intellectually curious who can handle the truth of burdensome suspicion where double standards abound; where treading carefully is wisdom. For Black men desperate for a smarter, just, equitable and peaceful existence. Because a Black man with poor judgment is a doomed man. No man I know hasn't been accused, rightly or wrongly, of impropriety. But while rape or sexual harassment of any kind is morally and legally unacceptable under any circumstance, it is equally unacceptable to destroy anyone's career, reputation, dignity or freedom with lies. And America's flawed legal system with its undertones of racism and white supremacy has always been one to distrust because of how frequently it has been weaponized for precisely the former.
After all, don't we [with Trump as President] have a sitting thriving U.S. President with over 19 allegations?
With zero self-awareness, and typical short attention span, the “journalist” who brands Bill Cosby “the disgraced comedian” and goes on to indoctrinate the intellectually weak with words like “rapist” and “convicted” is almost definitely as flawed and sinful as your average cocky tweep, or the Russian asset that is/was Donald Trump.
Yet, like irony, sarcasm and nuance, Twitter — or if you like American — outrage doesn't get the irony.
To many calm and collected Asians, Americans can be a funny bunch hypersensitive.
Most of such people suffer from Comprehension Disability (google it). 'Can't follow arguments or logic.
Most aren't into self-improvement and humility. That's why when they don't understand something, they come at you with sentences beginning with “WTF” unaware of a better, calmer, more evolved way of communicating, or God forbid, attempt mutual understanding à la Lincoln.
Yet they are sure a thousand “women came forward”. So, that settles an allegation. Or, in the case of the PA Supreme Court's ruling, attempt to understand, if not procedural error in law, works. Particularly, for Americans who would want to believe they value their own 5th Amendment right(s).
So, like an entitled mob, such people demand your acquiescence.
Nobody reminds them that several million women voted for Donald Trump too, still support him, and relevantly, that he had different rights, privileges albeit different standards under the same lawwere applied.If you're part of that toxic mob, you probably clicked on a link looking for a fight about Bill Cosby. Except I'm an American who [until recently lived outside the 24/7 drama bubble many Americans consider normal, in the East and Far East, — where nuance is better understood, and people live happier, healthier, longer, drama-free lives.
And from that part of the world, they watch contentious, toxic, insane U.S. twitter trends (having nothing to do with national security priorities the nation faces) rise in the morning, then die down late at night when America goes to sleep. And from that vantage point, it's sad.
So, outrage about a Bill Cosby tweeting from prison, or released? Not worth my time.
You can play judge and lawyer on Social Media if you have the time and luxury.
I don't.
I'm a busy lawyer who knows better. And the more evolved one is, the less sure they are. Not just about hearsay, but the wisdom of passing judgment on social media for a few likes and retweets.I remember how an Italian American friend old enough to be my dad echoed my views about living abroad.
It was a private conversation. Like the Tina Turners and others I know who built their career and then settled in countries like Switzerland, Thailand, the Philippines, etc., there's no reason to stick around and be unnecessarily exposed to false allegations, criminal prosecution and drama.
If you're a good, peace-loving person who happens to be a minority, remember the following:
Guns, White Supremacy, Inequality and Injustice aside,
The United States is a scary place
A Black man with bad judgment;
A Black man who doesn't know when to quit.
A Black man who never learns what I learned earlier in life.
Parents, friends and loved ones can't teach you what they don't know:
Seek financial freedom. And with that, drama-free existence. However far away.
Happy to help or consult anytime. Proceed or finish below. Or engage/connect here.
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