Smart, Evergreen Content Marketing, DONE RIGHT

Strategic Social Networking: iQ4

I once made the mistake of letting a toxic site that frowned on smart content host my content.

Polluted, and led by mediocre minds, my posts inspired gimmicky copies meant to ridicule, and

harass. Thankfully, Nick Usborne inspired me to ditch them after posing what remains to me to

be THE most powerful question for content creators & aggregators: “Is your web content good

enough to be curated?” I have since learned, despite Donald Trump's fake news con, that fake

and crap content don't deserve any inspiration from ethical content creators hard at work to

churn data-centric, solution-driven, smart content. Crap content is NOT boardroom worthy,

nor worthy of customers. Importantly, niche customers are attracted to you, as you alone

guarantee such smart quality content which is why it doesn't matter whether it appears

you have a single like, only 3 retweets or 10 or 20 viewers per post. Fraudulent clicks

or metrics and other 'imaginary internet points' have limited mileage. This Blog has

has taken the author around the world (all expenses paid) because smart content

has no shelf life. Crap does. Smart Content travels well. Elites of curiosity” or

substance value well-thought-out EVERGREEN content and edutainment. This

is why we call it Smart Content. Because it promises/offers tangible value;

Is it in demand? Does it pass the propriety test? Is it professional or slick?

Plus the important thing is that it scales, it's marketable & its impact

and usefulness is readily & scientifically verifiable. Nick Usborne's

original Youtube video did not gone viral. But, variations of his

thought-provoking question now flood most web searches.

And THAT, is impact. I for one, am always amazed when

I wake up to another mention. Which is just

about everyday. A very consistent reminder that

organizations, professionals & various niches,

remain on the prowl. For well-researched,

actionable evergreen content. So while

it's true for example that InfoSec or

Tech content that's evergreen is

hard to create as landscapes

are always changing, the

preeminent experts &

trusted voices in all

industries share 1

commonality &

that  is: They

offer value.

And I'd be

happy to

h e l p

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