How Tech Addiction Kills: From Relationships & Dreams To Leaders

The Smartphone & Social Media Matrix III

Worry About YOUR Screen Time First, Not Kids’ ⬆ Images Hyperlinked

Days after publishing the previous edition, HNA Group Co-founder/Chair Wang Jian just proved

how tech addiction & digital insanity kills. 'Don't like the messenger? You may be addicted too!

Ever had to live with dirty people who don't throw trash out or shower; instead stay hooked on

a digital/mobile device, as they go from meal to bed, to toilet without cleaning? 'Did in China.

Also once spotted, and helplessly watched in horror, as a Chinese woman crossed a pedestrian

crossing (crosswalk) near a very busy network of highways completely head down both before

and afterwards. Distracted by whatever her mobile phone and EarPods were feeding her, she

continued on as I wondered from my bus seat: “Jesus! How long does she have to live?” Why

folks like, or loved ones of Lady X — let's call her that — need a debilitating catastrophe, or

God forbid, fatality, before the price of inattentiveness hits home baffles me. Minding the

things that matter — whether you're a busy executive, parent, etc. should never come at

the expense of precious life, personal safety, physical, or even mental health. Which is

why it pays to know the 3 Rules Highly Effective People Live By. The Social Media era,

thanks to the mobile tech revolution and with it, the superabundance of tantalizing

unproductive habits, trashy content, Apps and push notifications by Bullshit Inc

don't make people with smartphones smarter but dumber. Regardless what your

business card says, one's purchasing power, mobile device collection/bling, or

imaginary internet points/Social Media status, untreated cell phone+screen

addiction together exacerbate poor social skills, mental illness, as well as

consumerist mediocity that creates addicted spectator netizens. Part of

the herd. Zombies. Army of the dead. Very gullible to fake news. And

lacking judicious deliberation, —in an Age of Inattentiveness, get it

out there first, viral media & FOMO on steroids, as normalized in

movies like Morning Glory isn't as cool, healthy or threat smart

as we'd like to believe. Indeed whether it's Charlottesville or

acts of terror like the Florida Parkland massacre, there's a

silent deadly link, not sufficiently being addressed. And

that's the link between situational awareness and the

benefits of mindfulness. Sometimes security is that

simple. I'm a technologist. My mobile life though,

is powered by a $16 dumb phone that is on only

1-2 hrs daily. Why? “Focus is the new IQ.” And

distraction a no-no. I have pulled distracted

passengers leaning on opening train doors

to safety countless times. Often tired or

tied down by unnecessary multitasking

these hacked brains scare me. Mean-

while, hectic caffeine-fueled ultra-

fast lifestyles have folks firing off

replies to unread business email

& Social Media communication.

Seconds before a teen keeled

out of the bus having dozed

off after opening the rear

window I shook his aloof

mom 3 rows down and

woke her son up with

the closing window.

Being COOL inside

the Social Media

or smartphone

matrix? Daft.

Click or tap

above, for

focus IQ

Radical Cyber, Mobile & Social Media Security

Fear of Missing Out Syndrome (4) | Web, Mobile Device & Screen Addiction IV



