From Mission & Execution to Position: A Practical Guide To Collaboration

Startup, Influencing, Process Management & Collaboration Done Right

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Missed The Art of Friendship: From Stranger To Collaboration? It's a prerequisite. So is this!
'See, I once had a Russian friend and startup partner whose utter disinterest in managing the
process unnecessarily made us losers, just when we could least afford it. I  knew we were
in for a challenging day when I opened my door, and there he stood, T-shirt drenched in
manly sweat I couldn't ignore. After all, this was China where even foreigners smelling
good or wearing cologne are presumed smelly from miles away. Meanwhile, I thought:
How come folks who need deodorant the most use them the least? I served him water
on ice cube ready to finesse the issue; knowing how critical presentability was, to our
agenda that day. Instead, he mildly snapped in no-nonsense mode saying: TT, right
now, I don't want talk about nothing. I am ready for presentation. We go. I give it.
That's all.” And with that heavy Russian accent and chain-smoking breath I, who
for whatever reason, wasn't particularly in a combative mood, let it go, — with
the tension in the kitchen seemingly settled. Still, as the CSO of our little big
bet project, I remained quietly uneasy. Then, upon arrival at the VC firm he
had left me in the cold about, the Chinese receptionist quickly opened the
entrance door clearly to air out the lobby apparently upon smelling one
of us. And downhill it all went as whatever she told the VC we'd come
to see was enough to make him “unavailable”, until we left. A source
code or prepared pitch/presentation is the minimum. As TD Jakes
warns above: “Learn something from a butler. Many people mess
up their destiny because they are so busy looking for important
people that they step past people who HAVE the door...” And
whatever your current business, career or personal goals the
advice applies: “Management — can you handle it? Do you
know how hard it is to manage success?...Are you praying
for a blessing that you can't manage? You're not fit to be
blessed if you can't manage the process. Manage it!” Do
so by fully involving consummate professionals you've
hired. Your dream team. And like cognitive diversity,
a high listening EQ comprise effective management
of process & people, for operational excellence—so
your mission is accomplished. And if it's marriage
or other relationship position you seek, T.D. Jakes
aptly asks: “You want a husband for what?...You
want a wife for what?” For we know: anything
you get that doesn't have a mission WILL end
up abused.” This is a fact that both divorcĂ©es
and broken-hearted victims of selfish Here-
today-gone-tomorrow lovers often attest to.
And true to character, my Russian friend
disappeared and stopped contacting me,
effectively, denying himself the chance
to review and learn from his VC firm
fail. Obsession with your views and
explanation of events is the surest
way to mismanage both strategy
execution and people dynamics
that enable success. A healthy
ego makes collaboration and
networking smooth. But if
like a rude and deceptive
ex-Chinese mentee and
startup partner I axed
your seduction skills
or people skills are
equally as poor as
the Russian guy,
who confessed
to hiring me
to help get

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