
Showing posts from February, 2021

#iTHiNKLabs 2021: Episode 153

▼ Domestic Terrorism, Business, U.S. Constitution, HR, Security, Texas, China, Jobs, Climate, Success; COVID-19 ▼ Click. Tap. (READ) ○ ○ ○ Dependency Confusion Intro ⬆ How I Hacked Into Apple, Microsoft + Other Firms ▼ Microsoft Alert✔ U.S. Domestic Terrorism: LISTEN ▼ Capitol Police Chief Warns Extremists 'Want To Blow Up The Capitol'✔ Key To US Stability ▼ 'The Past Is So Present': How White Mobs Once Killed American Democracy✔ Avoid This Startup Founder's “No HR” & IT Dept Naivety ▼ 5 Reasons You Need a Password Manager✔ Going To China? WARNING: The Human Toll of Censorship ▼ Censorship & Propaganda in Xi's China✔ Inside Biden's $1.9 Trillion COVID-19 Package ▼ How Soon Might You Receive a $1,400 Stimulus Check?✔ For Leaders Interested in Value, Not Hype ▼ Artificial Intelligence Risks vs Value: The 4-Part Guide✔ Security Configuration Management ▼ ALERT: Gig Economy's Coming for Mi...