How To Not Become A Loser
▼ From Clarity & Discipline To Self-Management & Success ▼ What It Takes To Leave Loserville II ⬆ Images Hyperlinked MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS | 2019 EDITION | VOLUME 76 People don't become losers by trying to succeed and failing miserably. People become losers by making self-inflicted missed opportunities their way of life. They do that by failing to grasp the critical role of optimum self-management. What I call: Advanced Personal Leadership skills. And if committed, in this edition, Jim Rohn will elevate yours. The masterkey to self-management is: Clarity and Discipline. Without them, any success is fleeting. Unless one is born super wealthy and well-connected, success, for most, is a game of musical chairs. Blink, and you miss an opportunity here, and there, on your way to inevitable irrelevance and elimination. And that is as true in private life as it is in the leadership and management of nations and businesses. ...